Monday, August 18, 2008


I have an iTunes account and can access and subscribe to a number of different podcasts, both audio and video (although I had not explored this until now!). These are free to listen to and subscribe to. Once you subscribe to a particular podcast you will receive updates and new podcasts relevant to the subject, as they become available. If you subscribe to a podcast that is updated daily (such as a radio show) this could mean being vigilant in managing and deleting podcasts that you don't need to keep!

There are many podcasting sites available, some easier to navigate than others. I visited The PodLounge (I wouldn't recommend), (I would recommend) and Yahoo Audio search (I would recommend). Of course if you have an iTunes account you can find and manage your podcasts through the iTunes software.

Podcast can be downloaded to your computer, links emailed to friends or you can add the URL to your online sharing tool (MySpace, Facebook, Blog, etc).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

There are many podcasting sites available, some easier to navigate than others.
Free Podcasting Secrets